Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is being released! Release to Home Confinement (walk out the gate) on Monday, May 10, 2021. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Search This Blog. Terran Cognito at 5/02/2017 04:08:00 PM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. END OF NOTES. Terran Cognito at 6/11/2021 10:19:00 AM. . Labels: ANTARANTANKA, Antarctica, Ark of Gabriel, Obama, Patriarch Kirill, Raintz, Records of the True Origins of Islam, Talawanzc. Launched 2 years ago. --//--* Terran note: as I have covered in past articles the purported Archangels were "suits" the 11 could operate as inter-dimensional vehicles. Earth was the original "Paradise" but it's been hidden as a bit of a hell hole in an obscure part of this galaxy. Awareness, ET’s, Exopolitics. Pretty fascinating image here, and also I found them in this Whitehouse video some may wish to view (Lila appears at around 6:15, Rralt Ahn’s hands are visible at about the same time (didn’t see his full figure, though. . The Airs of the Higher Dimensionals are cleared. Terran: That imagery of the marble [on a huge scale] is the image of the Heathers intent of the New Earth [which she "blind target" tasked me with in November 2014] I amplified the intent [after I found] it. The purpose of this Universal Trust was to experience limits of all sorts that could be imagined, hence, all the branches. Labels: CCP, China, Spies. The Deafening SilenceUPDATE 1: R. Search This Blog. Popular Posts. Is there anything to that? Unnamed Pleiadian Data Collector (hereafter named UPDC): DEAR ONE TERRAN THE DUNE STORY IS INDEED A. I get a little stir. Terran Cognito at 12/14/2020 02:02:00 AM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Not an exact image but similar. Are We There Yet? Ten years ago tomorrow Brian Kelly and I got a phone call from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. Donations. XERXES 6/26/23 - Shift the Balance. Labels: #HATJ, Fuccico, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarref. I am. I am not sure why they reached out to us. [8/22/17, 2:29:30 pm] stan x: terran. “SQUIZZY” IS A COMMON “NAME” IN SIRIAN COMPLEXES. NO GOOD CAN COME FROM THAT INFORMATION. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Popular Posts. What do you live for? I was doing my gig job of driving people around Austin. Donations. The Deafening Silence Every once in a while, there's a silence. Newer Post Older Post Home. XERXES 6/26/23 - Shift the Balance. Abundance presents to all who recognize True Values. Thanks Bev for noticing! The following discusses the China Lake Earthquake, From Dr Salla's and William Tompkin's books we learned of the treaty that had existed with the USA and the remaining Nazis in. Search Terran Cognito. Donations. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. THE “ WHO “ IS NOT IMPORTANT. Search This Blog. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The Need for July Hi everyone! July proved to be a bit leaner than expected here, despite working more hours than ever. I think I got it wrong on how June, July and August. Terran Cognito @TerranCongito Original being. It occurred while I was out driving. Terran Cognito. The X-TAL are new to me, but they feel like scientists and data collectors. Search This Blog. Posted by Terran Cognito at 11/14/2022 12:05:00 PM. Donations. Popular Posts. there are rooms/chambers of calming frequencies in our centers. Terran. Posted by Terran Cognito at 5/26/2023 05:07:00 PM. Repost from May 2, 2017: Flow. Exo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessTerran Cognito at 10/11/2019 11:24:00 AM. Labels: Clif High, Wood and Probability. Donations. Labels: Cuba, Portal, Shambala, Source, The Heart. Labels: Gaia Portal. Popular Posts. This was very unexpected news. Popular Posts. Denice: Feels to me like the beginning of the complete shift jump transition. Terran Cognito at 9/03/2015 10:27:00 PM. Terran: What else are they spraying? Thor: TERRAN. Popular Posts. Denice: So hold on to your hats 👀🤓. THOR. I have been keeping up with this as it develops. Popular Posts. Popular Posts. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest. Exo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessExo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessExo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessExo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessExo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessTerran note: "hypocracy" is not a typo, its a word Heather has coined for the corporations operating under the guise of the people's government. Newer Post Older Post Home. Terran: She had a big Pyrex bowl of whipped butter with one of those cake frosting spatulas. Friday, June 30, 2023 With Ease and Grace. Newer Post Older Post Home. Terran note: Many people are currently getting downloads of information from the ALL/Source. Free Range human. Donations. Terran: Feeling not unlike what I felt during the fevers [a few months ago] but no fever. [Took me 3 days to find it] Only three people that I know of, have seen that image, me, Heather and Sasha Stone's friend in London who. Beane. Update: I spoke with Youssef, Francis said she will get credit for jail time served so far. THE "IMAGES" DO HAVE "ALTERNATE IMAGES" INSERTED TO APPEAR SUBLIME. Search This Blog. I received this letter yesterday from Heather. Search This Blog. Friend: Yep. Newer Post Older Post Home. Exo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessExo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessTerran note: This is what we know so far. Labels: creation with the spoken word, Xerxes. This is a group unaffiliated with those we've been talking to since the summer of. Exo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessTerran Cognito at 2/11/2023 09:50:00 AM. What do you live for? I was doing my gig job of driving people around Austin. . Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. It comes before great change. Since June 2015. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Donations. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Search This Blog. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. He asked me how old I was. Popular Posts. What do you live for? I was doing my gig job of driving people around Austin. Newer Post. Search This Blog. Search This. Donations. Lasted 2-3 hrs Nabrac: TERRAN. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The Airs of the Higher Dimensionals are cleared. [7/25/17, 11:52:07 AM] lisa shannon: Everyone - Current Status of Events Now Unfold : [10:09:46 AM] Alex and Valerie: Heather has been arrested. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Update: Lisa's daughter posted on Facebook that Lisa had severe painful arthritis. Terran Cognito @TerranCongito Original being. Search This Blog. Thor: TERRAN. Newer Post Older Post Home. Popular Posts. Donations. Search This Blog. Search This Blog. Denice: Do you enjoy driving? Terran: I enjoy meeting people. Donations. Search Terran Cognito. I recall seeing this posted on FB and Twitter all around the place, and finally landed on Terran Cognito’s blog page. (Quarantine was a term negotiated. as terran says – a balancing out for All. Search This Blog. Posted by Terran Cognito at 8/16/2021 05:51:00 AM. Labels: Slavery. is also WITHIN YOU! So, if YOU are FEELING within your soulself that you are about to ‘pop your cork ‘. I picked up a. Recently Megan Rose spoke of etheric drones, that beam thoughts to people, usually self destructive thoughts. Exo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessTerran note: This is a very significant press release. I picked up a passenger in a South Austin apartment just off of. XERXES 6/26/2023 (as received by Denice) Simply this. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Terran: I reach for the handle to butter it Terran: The sample lady looks in horror as I touch the handle!Terran: Question for Stan or Thor. The subcontractor Leidos is the main logistics contractor for the United States efforts in Antarctica. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Exo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessTerran Cognito at 4/19/2020 11:06:00 AM. X. Tuesday, February 2, 2021 OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE ONE PEOPLE'S PUBLIC TRUST (originally posted 2012-12-27) NOTE: I received this today. “ROUGE” INDEED. Labels: Substack. Newer Post Older Post Home. The. THOR. Donations. Kim does know a lot more about high level banking than most RV/GCG and NESARA/GESARA shills know. Once an Original Factualized Trust was placed in the Universal Trust, the Original Factualized Trust, and all Orignal Currency and Value flowinging through it, was assigned (for a period) to the Universal Trust. Search This Blog. Labels: FISA Court, Greg Hutts, James Clapper, Jeffrey Epstein, Joseph Rossatti, Justice Roberts, Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Rod Rosenstein, Sean Bridges, Sean Henry. XERXES 6/26/2023 (as received by Denice) Simply this. Newer Post Older Post Home. B: I know. by Bill, published on Terran Cognito, on July 17, 2018. Donations. What do you live for? I was doing my gig job of driving people around Austin. The Seeders. SubscribeExo-life, Exo-politics, finance, awarenessIn a recent article from Secret Space Program scholar Dr Michael Salla, he speaks of a Pleiadian contact Elena Daanan and her interactions with a time traveling Pleiadian by the name of Thor Han. Awareness, ET’s, Exopolitics. A Letter from Heather dated 1-5-2021 Universal Security Agreement America! published on Terran Cognito, on January 12, 2021Terran Cognito at 7/21/2021 10:30:00 AM. Newer Post Older Post Home. THE EVENT can come about. When information is everywhere but none of it is reliable. Stan X: TERRAN. Thor: FINAL VISUAL IS FOR BELOVED HOS. . I picked up a.